Our community work

Since we formed (in August 2019), we have found ourselves humbled and grateful to follow the lead of seasoned local environmental justice, climate justice, and social justice groups - including a number led by and composed of black, brown and indigenous elders and youth. Many of our friends in this work have been battling for their literal survival on the frontlines, while leading the fight with a spirit of joyfulness and positivity. XR NOLA has found that centering the efforts of groups like the Coalition Against Death Alley, as well as engaging OUR group internally in the ongoing processes of decolonization and undoing racism, are central to fighting the climate crisis. 

We’ve also learned it’s  easy to get caught up in the bubble of activism, and we cannot forget to go into our communities and talk to our neighbors, friends, and families. This work can often be the most demanding, because it asks us to listen to and share space with people who may not see things the way we do. It is vulnerable work, and we are all still learning.

We are humbled and grateful to be a small part of a history of organizing and movement building in Southern Louisiana - a deep history rooted in a rich cultural tradition tied to the land, the Mississippi river, and the Gulf of Mexico.  XR Nola - along with our friends and allies in this movement - resist systems and institutions that would bring about death by celebrating its eternal opposite, life! We’re here, doing this work, because we love life. And no matter what happens, we’re never going to stop fighting for it.  

Coalitions: Coalition Against Death Alley, Justice and Beyond, Stop The Money Pipeline Coalition 

Groups we are in partnership with: Bvlbancha Collective, 350 New Orleans, Sunrise Nola, Climate Reality Nola  


Stop the money PIPELINE ACTION

April 20, 2020, Outside Chase Bank Branch on Prytania in New Orleans, LA. This protest was a part of every other weekly protests demanding that Chase, the Number One (by far) funder of the Climate Crisis divest from fossil fuel projects and start funding carbon-free technology.

Stop the Money Pipeline continues

May 22, 2020, Outside Chase Bank Branch at Broad and Esplanade in New Orleans, LA. This protest is a part of every other weekly protests demanding that Chase, the Number One (by far) funder of the Climate Crisis divest from fossil fuel projects and start funding carbon-free technology.